Writing to Santa

Writing to Santa

Challenge Day 13:

There are very few people i would expect that never did this holiday activity at least once in their lives, but why not make it an enjoyable activity to do with your family. Sit down with the little ones and with what ever paper, pens, pencils, markers or crayons they have write a letter to Santa with their wishes documented inside. Even if they are never mailed out, the act in and of itself will stick with them for many years to come. I am excited to do this activity with my daughter since you never really know what is going to come out of her brain on any given day, but it is sure to be entertaining at the very least.

For those that really want to go all out and help those in need, you should check out Operation Santa, being supported by the USPS. All letters received will be uploaded to https://www.uspsoperationsanta.com/. If you are just looking to make someone’s holiday a little brighter, go on over and adopt a letter and write a response or fulfill a wish that would make a family’s Christmas brighter.

Operation Santa – 2020

How to send letters to Santa:

  1. Santa’s mailing address should be placed in the middle of the envelope. Letters can be addressed simply to SANTA CLAUS, but we prefer his official Postal Service address:

    123 ELF ROAD
    NORTH POLE 88888
  2. Write your full name and address in the upper left corner.
  3. Then, apply a first-class stamp in the upper right.

For letter writers: Letters requesting clothes and shoes should include sizes and colors. Letters requesting toys, games and books should be specific.

For adopters: Customers are encouraged to go online and adopt a letter to help a child or family have a happy holiday when they otherwise might not.

There will be no in-person letter adoptions this year due to COVID-19.

Letters received before Dec. 15 will be uploaded and made available for adoption, though the sooner your letter is received, the more likely it is to be answered.

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